Our company is becoming more digital. We are planning a digital transformation. How easy is it to implement this with our corporate culture? What do we need to consider?
The success of implementing strategic decisions cannot be viewed in isolation from the respective corporate culture. With the help of our corporate culture analysis, you receive an assessment of the possibility of strategic changes with existing human resources. Among other things, we provide insights into the overall culture, possible subcultures of different organisational units as well as management and leadership attitudes. Particularly in digital transformation processes, an assessment of the culture is the basis for successful change. We orientate ourselves on the model of Edgar H. Schein. The evaluation is carried out online.
It is difficult to attract good employees to the company on the labour market. In addition, employee loyalty has declined in recent years. What can we do?
The buzzword here is employer branding. In order to survive in the competition for talent, companies need to build up so-called employer brands. Presenting yourself as an attractive employer is the basis for successful recruiting. We have a set of tools that you can use to measure your employee experience: From the application process to termination, employee experiences are evaluated with manageable effort and integrated into a controlling process. The result is stronger employee loyalty and positive word-of-mouth communication in social media. The employer brand is strengthened in a targeted manner.
We are going through a change process. We don’t know what the current mood in the company is and whether we should exert any influence. What options are there?
With our mood index, we continuously analyse the mood of employees and managers. With just a few questions, a picture of the general mood is created that provides valuable insights into the respective company situation. (Communication) measures can be derived from this. In times of change, mood surveys are important for successful corporate development. Experience also shows that the use of the sentiment index has a positive effect on employer branding.
Our employees have a good knowledge of the market. How can we utilise this knowledge in a targeted manner?
Employees are in daily contact with customers and interested parties. They know the needs and problems, they know what moves the market. The employees in the service centres and at the point of sale. However, companies rarely utilise this potential, this knowledge resource, systematically. With our market barometer, we systematically analyse the knowledge of employees in contact with customers. This method also changes the way employees see themselves. They are no longer just routine workers. They are appreciated.
The market barometer is particularly interesting in times of major market changes. The survey form and results view are online-based from a cost-benefit perspective. Experience shows that the use of the market barometer has a positive effect on employer branding.
Our performance is stagnating. Employees in direct contact with customers are not developing. How can we drive employee development and also increase customer loyalty?
General performance assessments often have no impact on employees. Our experience shows that direct (positive or negative) feedback from customers or testers to employees has the greatest impact. Employee-specific reflection is encouraged and the basis for changes in behaviour is laid.
The feedback system can be extended in the sense of a closed loop. In this case, the customer receives feedback from the company. This appreciation has a positive effect on loyalty, especially in the case of negative customer feedback. Criticised services can be apologised for or made good. Disappointed customers can be won back emotionally.