Your partner for employer branding and employee satisfaction
At SWI HR, we know that: Only companies that practise strong employer branding, maintain a positive corporate culture and focus on the well-being of their employees can be successful in the long term.
Our services
Expertise in the human resources environment
We work directly with companies or co-operate with renowned media such as Handelsblatt and Tagesspiegel. We have already successfully implemented employer studies such as ‘Best Employer – IT Service Provider’ or ‘Best Employer – Tax Consultant’. Such awards demonstrably enhance the image and attractiveness of companies on the competitive labour market. This gives applicants a clear orientation in their search for their perfect job.
Our offers at a glance
Employee loyalty and motivation
- Employee experience: We analyse the experiences of your employees from the application process to termination. A successful employee experience is the foundation for strong employee loyalty.
Employee surveys
- Give your employees a voice: We conduct GDPR-compliant, secure and anonymous employee surveys. Our validated question structures are customised to your industry and provide valuable insights for your decision-making processes.
Corporate culture analyses and culture change
- Meaning and orientation in a complex world: We analyse your corporate culture and support you in cultural change in order to offer your employees meaning and orientation.
Arbeitgeberkompass/ Employer Compass
Together with the Handelsblatt, we conduct the „Arbeitgeberkompass„. The compass is designed to provide guidance in the search for attractive employers. Companies have the opportunity to measure themselves against others and thus stand out as a particularly good employer. The best-placed companies are published by the Handelsblatt.
Are you interested in taking part? Further information can be found here.